GOWTHAMRAJ K - Full Stack Web Developer

An Aspiring Engineer passionate to learn new things everyday and create innovative applications. I am an Oracle Certified JAVA Associate Developer. I help people and guide them in Generating Innovative Ideas to Win State and National Level Project Contests. I am good in creating outstanding powerpoint presentations for both technical and business level contents and creative UI designs for my Web Application.

Personal Website

I have My own Website named CODE-JAMM which helps you to learn JAVA Programming from scratch to advanced and also brush you up with some knowledge and tricks in web development

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For more Projects and Web developments, visit My Personal Portfolio

Gowthamraj K
Working Experience
Associate Engineer - Technology
Virtusa Consutancy Services
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For more information about my Leadership skills and Technical Stacks i have experienced with, visit My Personal Portfolio

Gowthamraj K

I have Published my own application named COVID-19 TRACKER which helps you to track worldwide corono status, country wise status, nearby hospitals, symptoms, precaution measures, donate to covid fund, helpline contacts for all states in INDIa

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For more such publications and developments, visit My Personal Portfolio

Gowthamraj K
Get in Touch

Please feel free to reach me for any support or Project discussion any time through the below mentioned sources ...

Open to Oppurtunities & Mentoring 👍 YES

   Achipatti, Pollachi - 642002, TamilNadu, India
   9698382306 / 8610254674